We are thankful for YOU!

Posted by Christine Stoppa on

Way back in 2007, Sarah moved to Bozeman, MT from Duluth, MN and made the decision to pursue art as a full time business. At that time, it was just Sarah.

After years of managing the business herself, she decided she could use some side help. In 2014, Ann Wilbert was hired as our bookkeeper, and Christine Stoppa (that's me!) was hired to help with social media. Between 2014-2019, our positions morphed and grew, and we began doing everything from office work to filling orders to managing all aspects of an art business.

Now you would think in 2020 our business would have crashed. I mean, our bread and butter was selling wholesale greeting cards to gift shops and tourist destinations - and almost ALL of those businesses closed for a good period of time. But a weird thing happen. We took chances, pivoted, innovated, moved into a bigger space, and actually GREW. Grew to a point where we needed to hire more employees.

First came Carrie, who started doing prep work at home for us - she is now our wholesale manager. Next was Holly. She also began her time at Sarah Angst Art counting cards and stickers for us - now she is our retail fulfillment manager. Our latest hire is our shop assistant Joy, who had no idea the number of projects we'd throw at her, lol.

Along the way we've had Andi, and Beth, and Lori help us out, too!

All of us are mothers who are juggling kids in school, our homes, and our jobs. The best part of Sarah Angst Art is that we can make our own schedules. But honestly, the only way this would even be possible for us is you. Our fans. Because of you, we are able to "do it all" in a place we love. 

So thank you! Thank you for being a fan. A cheerleader. A supporter of our business. We appreciate you this holiday season! 

All the best this holiday season from the team at Sarah Angst Art!

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